Hollywood Secrets – Are you giving people the reinforcement and recognition they desire? Part 1

Hollywood Secrets – Are you giving people the reinforcement and recognition they desire? Part 1

By: Gayle Abbott Attending the Hollywood Best Sellers Summit and Golden Awards Gala at the iconic Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel where the first ever Academy Awards were held in 1929 was a blur of excitement, experiences, new friendships and reinforced insights about people. The Best Sellers Summit brings together Experts from around the world that have contributed chapters to best selling books or written full books. You could feel the energy and excitement vibrating through the air. It was so exciting to be around individuals who had taken their life in their own hands, decided to step up and write, and who want to make the world a better place by sharing knowledge and experiences. For some the writing and book publication represented overcoming their fears and limiting beliefs; for others, it was “stepping off the proverbial cliff” to go to the next level in their life, for others it was promoting their knowledge and expertise and still yet for others they saw...
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Retention – An Employers Tree of Life

Retention – An Employers Tree of Life

By: Elizabeth Weihmiller Have you ever taken the time to figure out how much turnover is costing your company? Many businesses we talk to and hear about have no issues with just firing and rehiring, but, what if by doing this you were missing the diamond in the rough? Maybe all that person needed was development, coaching, or training and you just “tossed them” aside in order to go out and look for the house that’s finished head to toe, just the way you want it. What is the cost of recruiting a new person and how do you guarantee that they have everything you need and are looking for and will do the job the last person wasn’t “capable” of doing? It may be time to reshape your thinking. Instead of immediately firing employee “A”, give them that chance to expand their skills to better do the job that you are looking for to be done, through training, coaching and/ or development....
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